Data-Driven, Community-Tailored Education

Our team has developed a pipeline for writing, translating and distributing evidence-based educational materials tailored to specific communities.

Project Topic Areas


Maternal Health

At Community HealthEd, we believe that maternal health is public health, and we aim to empower women with knowledge about prenatal care, nutrition during pregnancy, breastfeeding, maternal mental health, and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.

Our community outreach team has also worked to connect women in New York, Masachusetts, and North Carolina with location-specific, accessible maternal health resources.



In many ways, it was the discovery and mass distribution of vaccines that ushered in the modern era. In a world where the spread of infectious diseases like smallpox and polio could be tamed, life expectancy surged, global markets flourished and human productivity reached unparalleled heights. However, misinformation-driven vaccine hesitancy is as old as vaccines themselves, and reliable information about infecious diseases and the benefits of vaccination is as important as ever.  

Our Immunology projects focus on spreading data-driven knowledge about vaccines, allergies, and autoimmune conditions.


Dental Health

26% of American adults have untreated tooth decay that could have been prevented through proper oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist. At Community HealthEd, we empower families with knowledge and resources to overcome economic, geographic and psychological barriers to  dental care.

We've also produced educational materials tailored specifically to adress the unique challanges pediatric and elderly patients face in maintaining their oral health.


Adolescent Health

This section aims to address Healthy People 2030 Objectives focused on adolescent health, including mental health, nutrition, excercise, and substance abuse.


Neurological & Psychiatric Health

This section aims to address Healthy People 2030 objectives related to Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders, including depression, anxiety, OCD, and Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS).


Cancer Prevention

This section aims to address Healthy People 2030 objectives related to Cancer Prevention, including sun safety tips, melanoma skin self-exams, breast cancer self-exams, and low-cost, accessible telehealth programs that can be used to screen for cancer.

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