Dental Health

26% of American adults have untreated tooth decay that could have been prevented through proper oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist. At Community HealthEd, we empower families with knowledge and resources to overcome economic, geographic and psychological barriers to  dental care.We've also produced educational materials tailored specifically to adress the unique challanges pediatric and elderly patients face in maintaining their oral health.

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Meet the Section Chair

David Stack graduated from Columbia University in 2021, where he studied history (military and medieval). During undergrad, he began doing research at Columbia University's Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's disease and the Aging Brain where I am now a lab technician. He works on projects that involve the design and testing of novel small-molecule drugs to treat Alzheimer's Disease. He joined Community HealthEd to help teach others about science and medicine. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, fishing, and cooking.

Contact David

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