Cardiovascular Health During Pregnancy

What's Inside

1. What Are Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy?
2. Preeclamsia: What is it?
3. How Does a Home Blood Pressure Monitor Work?
4. Lifestyle and Diet Changes During Pregnancy
5. Common Medication Prescribed to Control Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

About the Project

Birthing people in the United States are more likely to die from childbirth or pregnancy related problems than any others from high-income countries. There are persistent disparities by race and ethnicity that highlight African American, Indian, and Alaska Native individuals are affected disproportionately by birthing complications and maternal death. It has been identified that improving the quality of medical care for birthing people before, during, and after pregnancy, can reduce maternal deaths. Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a major contributor of complications and cause of death for birthing people and infants, as it increases both short and long term risks for cardiovascular disease, risk for preterm delivery, and low birthweight. Among high-income countries, the United States has one of the highest maternal mortality rates due to high blood pressure related complications. Half of all maternal deaths in the United States can be attributed to cardiovascular disease, including heart failure and stroke. Between 1994 to 2011, hospitalizations due to pregnancy related stroke increased more than 60%.

The purpose of this newsletter is to focus on empowering readers who may be at risk for CVD and pregnancy to recognize risk factors, monitor them, and consult with trusted healthcare professionals. It is understood that putting the power back with the patient increases trust in healthcare delivery, therefore the focus of outreach should be paired with the distribution of at-home blood pressure cuffs for self monitoring purposes. CHE hopes to obtain funding for distribution of these via grants.

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